
Monday, June 22, 2009


I'm kinda stalling about posting my current project because it's a commission, therefore I'll wait until I'm finished and the 'buyer' approves. I'm always a little less confident when I move back into making traditional quilts (even if the design/setting is my creation).....esp. when it will be beadless! I am documenting the progress and will post soon.

In the meantime, I'll share some of the yard art we found on an antique outing yesterday. Our drought must be officially over by now as we are getting tons of rain, followed by hours of nice warm, sunny weather, then more rain, which means things are growing here like we were in a rain forest.

This has brought our attention to our many planting areas.....and we decided a few more pieces of yard art would help balance all that green.

We can get a lot of wind up here......and I mean serious gusts of we must take that into consideration. I loved this fellow......sadly it was way too big, and of course way more than we wanted to spend.

'The husband' has some strange ideas about what he considers appropriate yard art......he voted for this.....I way!

I'm a big fan of re-purposing things.......not just because it's good to recycle but because I enjoy the creativity involved. This sea turtle got a second look from both of us, but the subject wasn't fitting with our mountain living.

TA-DA.......this is what we agreed on..... Since there isn't much surface material for the wind to catch, we think this was a good option.......the globe part actually rotates with the wind...though we must first remove the rust that is right now preventing movement!

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