
Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Today was hanging day for my solo exhibit," Viewed With A Smile", at WNC Arboretum in Asheville. It will run through Aug. 3rd.

I'll post some more specific photos in the days to come, but if you want an immediate look at some of the quilts, my buddy Judy Simmons stopped by with her family just as we were finished and she's posted some pictures on her blog.

The Arboretum is such a serene and beautiful place to visit, especially now with everything in full bloom.

This water feature could lull anyone to sleep with it's sound.

Quilt exhibits at the Arboretum are coordinated through the Asheville Quilt Guild. The space is located in two inside hallways, in the upper level of the main educational building, rather than one of their many window filled atrium which could fade the quilts.

This view shows my seasonal series of a white oak tree that grew in front of our river house in Wisconsin. I had always displayed them individually by season, so it was great to be able to view them as a group.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful series! I love your style and it's so fun to see these all together. You make such fun quilts!
