
Thursday, June 12, 2008


I received this disturbing news from Teri Springer....

Well known instructor, Valerie Hearder had a large number of quilts stolen.  They were in suitcases which were placed in the locked trunk of her car while she was teaching at the Canadian Quilters' Association in St. Johns. See the CBC website report for further details.  

Her friend Teri urges us to watch online auction sites as well as keeping an eye out at quilt sales for Val's work.  Teri has volunteered to distribute photos of the quilts to anyone who is willing to help. 

Sadly, this seems to be a growing concern for all of us who travel outside their home with their art.  I've tried to be diligent by asking guilds to shuttle me back to my hotel to drop off my teaching materials, before heading out to dinner after workshops.  However, there is the ever present problem of having suitcases in vehicles while at dinner prior to the guild meetings.  

What a sad commentary of some aspects of human nature!