
Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Our two year anniversary of our move South is approaching.....better late then never, I'm finally tackling the final decorating in our lower level.  This area was meant to be a secondary master suite, but we've used it for 'the man cave'.  

Normally, I have no trouble designing our spaces, but cost and redundancy has prevented me from moving forward, since we can't imagine having enough guests to fill two bedrooms. However, it needed to be done, so after looking at every bed from every furniture manufacturer, I've finally made up my mind.  The last couple of days have been spent organizing the area that will now be the 'bedroom'.....which had been our catch-all space.  As soon as I pull the whole thing together, I'll post some photos....probably should have done some before's.....oh well.

As I was busy inside, the husband urged me to stop and go outside.....there were butterflies coating these pretty bushes.  I still don't know what they are....but am more determined now to pull out our landscape map and find out.

Isn't this neat??