
Sunday, April 21, 2024


 I know it's been too much has happened since we began our cross country drive to CA.  Can't say we are settled out of water is more like it.  Having a difficult time adjusting to urban living.

AND...then two weeks ago I took a terrible fall....thankfully nothing was broken but have serious contusions and married to a walker and an immobilizer brace.

Moving has been overwhelming.....despite selling and donating a ton of stuff....we still have and moved too much here.

The biggest change for me is having 1/5 of the studio space I enjoyed previously.  I'm now in a dark tiny bedroom.....with a nice closet but still way smaller than my needs.  It's slowly getting organized and we are addressing the lighting issue.

I wanted to update my blog and alert you that I will generally be posting now on Facebook.  I actually prefer the blog format better but so many have abandoned blogs and blog reading that it makes more sense to have just one place where I can be found until we get more settled and I have anything fiber related to share.  After all this is and always has been a quilt blog.  So hop over to my Facebook page and read on.....  I'll be back here as soon as I can.


  1. Annnddd she's back... but not for long. Oh my gosh, the brace has shades of your shoulder one not so long ago. How very stressful all of this has been. A slow slog to putting life back in place now that you are on the west coast. Hope you heal and things settle in steadily. I'll friend request on FB. It's true about blogs, but I still do keep mine for whatever reasons.. for now anyway.

  2. Glad to see the update here. I still prefer blogs to FB but you are right about it being an easier place to update people on daily goings on with your move. I knew you were on FB but never followed up since your blog and e-mails kept me well informed. But you FORCED me to friend you - lol - and I am not sorry I did. Personally, I think you have been settling in quite fast, certainly much quicker than I ever did after my numerous moves. I think it's the difference in our personalities: I'm a slo-mo, you are a get'er done fast. Hope you can take a broader view and see just how much progress you have made in such a short time. As they say, Rome was not built in a day, and setting up a new studio sure doesn't happen overnight! Looking forward to you having new art works and experiments to blog about. I bet you are too . . .

  3. I'm so sorry you took a bad fall. Recently, after our move, in the middle of the night I walked into a door frame, ended up passing out that night 3 times with DH trying to help me each time. For me, I think it was a result of not fully being awake in the middle of the night when I got up, being in a strange new place, as well as taking an Rx which would reduce my blood pressure when I already have low blood pressure (doc and I agreed I should no longer take such Rx). Not sure what caused your fall, but I lean to think it was driven by stress and exhaustion of a move, new place. I do hope you soon feel 100% and fall in love with your new sewing room, home, area including creative community.

  4. So sorry to hear about your fall!! This has been such an ordeal for you from the decision to the move, and now to trying to settle in. You are in my thoughts. I don't do a lot on facebook, but I'll try to check your page from time to time. I don't have any 'friends' there, just my immediate family, and I don't post on my page at all. I only have the account for my blog which posts automatically to fb when I post on my blog. Take care, we will miss you at Luftwasser next weekend.

  5. Blogs are so much easier to read. FB doesn't have a personal format in my opinion.
    Moving is stressful enough without and injury. I hope you heal fast and are more mobile soon.

  6. I follow you on Facebook, but I'm sad to hear that you're giving up the blog. I love blogging, but you're right in that not as many people are reading them anymore. I used to be a journalist, so having my blog is like having my own little publication.
