
Saturday, July 2, 2022


Because I use my blog as sort of a diary, mainly as a reminder of techniques, processes and the work I've completed, I stray away from personal posts most of the time.  However, today is different.  It's NOT fiber related.  

Unlike dates we've noted in our minds or calendars, this one was 20 years ago today.  It's not necessarily one to be celebrated. Though the celebration of my sister and all she meant to us is certainly preferred over sad, somber thoughts.  But in the end.......there are really no words that haven't already been spoken many times.

Instead photos warms my heart while reflecting on so many memories.


          Mary (L) and Nancy (R) - our 1 year old birthday  

                                          3 years old



About 4 years old....darn it...wish our photos would have been dated...NOT that I did a better job with our son's pictures!!

       (top row L to R) Youngest brother Richard Theobald & Chuck Theobald (1951-2012).

 (front row L to R)  Nancy Theobald Willmas (1946-2002), Dorthy Theobald (1921-2007) Mary Theobald Stori 

- Nancy's hospital room.....the last time we were all together.  I laughed with her, asking if she was cloning me with her wig, even if it was blond...normally she wore her hair very short. 

Good memories of a wonderful person and twin sister......still miss my good pal of so many years. need to clone, her medical condition required DNA testing which identified us as identical twins?!?  The good news; I qualified as her stem cell doner, no so good news; my cells we almost too close to fight the inevitable.  

So dear readers.......hug or call your siblings today.......


  1. I sympathize so much...I lost my sister, too and our memories are precious.

  2. Cherish the memories

  3. How touching....I know this story but don't remember seeing these pictures. Allows us to "know" your sister! Thanks for sharing with us, Mary. She's never out of your heart!

  4. A sad loss and some special memories- those childhood photos are priceless. Drinking contest from a lawn sprinkler? You knew how to have fun.

  5. I have one of those anniversaries coming up in a few days myself. And I agree with you about how to approach these with a bit of celebration and lots of photo memories as well as those well-seared into our minds. Hugs as you keep your sister's memory alive.

  6. I'm so sorry. I didn't remember that you had a twin sister. Those photos are priceless!
