
Saturday, February 5, 2022


Fitting in time to create a new project has been difficult since 'the husand' is still be doctoring and I too have endured a medical procedure.....but we Wisconsin folk are hardy and onward we march!!
I've been hanging onto this piece of ice-dyed silk noil....just waiting for the right design idea to develop.....Some auditioning took place and I was committed.
It was a rather lighter weave which required stabilizing, PLUS dense background stitching to provide body and visual depth.  (And oh ya...a lot of time at the machine!)
KING OF THE MARSH  -  25" x 17"
Now available in my online gallery shop
Artist ice-dyed silk noil & cottons, machine appliqued and quilted. Double fold binding of same silk noil material and fabric hanging sleeve attached.



  1. Brilliant. King of the Marsh is amazing. I do so hope you and your husband are feeling better and getting stronger every day.

  2. Thank you Darlene......we both should be in a high class spa where all our needs are taken care of.......for instance I'm barely functioning (at least for the next day) with the right side of my face bandaged due to my Mohs' surgery yesterday.... This too will pass, but I'm NOT good at sitting around idle.

  3. WOW WOW WOW - talk about a positive channeling of health interruptions! This is fabulous.

  4. A perfect use for that hand dyed silk. Beautiful.

  5. Thought I'd mention (for anyone who reads comments that is..haha).......if you've never worked with silk give it a try. I love the's rather a coarse weave, often slightly nubby, some are lighterweight than others.....I prefer the heftier ones. It dyes beautifully.....because it's silk, one would expect it to be a 'fancy' material....on the contrary, it can fall more into the utilitarian type fabric....and best of all it's not terribly expensive.

  6. Beautiful work, this one won't be in your shop for long.

  7. Been wondering how you and hubby have been doing, but this beautiful work shows that all your creativity is completely intact! Lovely!
