
Thursday, November 18, 2021


 Ginkgo leaves are such a design attraction.  My long time Wisconsin friends, Jan and her daughter Sandy sent me a pile of leaves to play with. I suspect my failed attempt to print with them was because they were end of season leaves.....and whatever 'good stuff' in their DNA that allows them to print was already diminished.

So I played with preserving them for use on notecards.  Mod Podge was painted on the leaves (two separate coats).  Once dried with the aid of a mounting spray, they were attached to notecards.  The jury is still out whether or not they will be stable.....but it was a fun exercise.

I realize glycerin is often used as the preserving agent, but I didn't have any.....enough said!


  1. The Ginkgo leaves make great greeting cards. Lovely.

  2. I love Ginkgo leaves! So cool...hope to see what you end up using them for in your textile work!

  3. The leaves are so appealing- nice use of them!

  4. I was looking through a binder with bookbinding and paper information and I'd totally forgotten the suggestion to use Acrylic Varnish to preserve leaves and attach them to paper. I did remember that many people have said gel or matt mediums do not preserve leaves but apparently this type of varnish will. And I have some on hand (honestly don't remember why I originally bought it). So I will soon be experimenting with that because, as I've cleared my work table, I've discovered a ridiculous number of leaves being pressed under various books and I am beginning to have a ridiculous number of blank books needing filling.

  5. Sheila - (Idaho Beauty) thing I figured out.....the leaves really need to be dry before hand. I have also used spray varnish to secure and preserve some decorative weeds, bittersweet is one of my favorites.
