
Friday, October 15, 2021


Warning......this isn't a fiber related post......

Our car club had a SUV drive this past week to view the Elk in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.  Detailed info that may interest you about the reintroduction of the Elk to the park and how to view them can be found here:

Because the best viewing time is usually early morning or late evening, our group of 14 cars meet at 3:30 PM for the hour+ drive.  We had a picnic lunch and visited for awhile once we arrived.  Next we headed to the various areas where the Elk are known to feed.

Some of our participants were able to get videos of the bulls bugling for a mate....unfortunately we didn't.  However, we enjoyed seeing a lone Elk looking for love as he chased the females around the field.  They wanted nothing to do with him!

Following photos are in no specific order......just a fun look back at the day.


  1. What fun. And how exciting to see the herd of Elk (or I think that is Elk).

  2. An interesting outing. Are elk like deer in crossing the roads and making hazardous driving?
