
Saturday, September 4, 2021


Here's some eye candy created by some of my fiber pals.  Inspiration oozes from each and every one. 

Kathie has taken to her heat press & eco printing like a duck to water.  She's not only printed foliage, she's already made four stunning pieces.  I love how she creatively highlighted the prints, but didn't just rely on them as the entire subject matter.  

Judy always approaches any technique like a research project.  She's printed and printed and printed samples, each using different fiber content, mordants, dips, etc.  Those details are documented in her short hand code on the bottom and corners of each piece.  I truly can't wait to see how she uses these heat pressed prints!  They speak Judy's design color/mood to perfection.
Susan brought two wonderful pieces created by masking black fabric, machine free motion quilting, and then painted over the stitching.  Texture and interest galore.

Our friend Denny from SC joined us on our pop up microwave ice-dyeing day.  I wasn't able to take photos of the numerous print outs she brought of her most recent spectular art quilts.  So detailed and interesting one could study them for days!!

Her work was recently on display at The Arts & Heritage Center of North Augusta, SC.  The show is now closed but anyone who got to visit was very lucky as Denny rarely displays her work.

Yes, I am a very lucky gal to have such talented like-minded friends!!!


  1. Couldn't agree more...these pals ooze talent!!

  2. You are in a group with some super talented, with your peers! Lots of interesting projects going on there! Looks like so much fun!

  3. You can say that again Kathy and I know how very fortunate I am!!

  4. That eco-press is getting a terrific workout! Lovely projects.
