
Monday, August 23, 2021


 Often I rush through my days without stopping to actually 'see' and appreciate the world around me.  Recognizing that taking a breath is positive time spent, here are some views that made me smile over the past several days. I hope you will too.

I spotted this on our morning forced march (actually several weeks ago).....who put it there?  Why?  It's in a very remote location on a rarely used gravel road and it's glued down...  LOL
We've been enjoying several deer that feed right across the street from our house on the two apple trees in a vacant (but maintained) lot.  This is the first time we've seen one with a fawn....adorable.
Too bad this photo doesn't show the gigantic spider web any better.... it runs from the top of the chair to the porch roof and nearly as wide.

 Take a moment to look around as your travel through your day.


  1. Beautiful sights. Those webs are so impressive until you don't see one but walk into it. Then you'll be brushing and brushing your hair, arms, etc. as it drapes over you and you can't rid yourself of it!

  2. I call this "looking for lovelies". I find it's a mental health strategy that really works for me. No matter what happens during a day, looking outside to observe something always lifts my spirits. We have lots of fawns in my suburban neighborhood. One mama gave birth while I watched. A couple of weeks later another mama brought her fawn by and there was a very late born set of twins. Watching the mamas gently guide their fawns always brings a smile to my face.

  3. WOW!!! What a fantastic experience Laura. Have to laugh....though I'm NOT actually laughing. No sooner then I posted my lighthearted posted.....when using the microwave for my morning oatmeal my day changed! It's now the 4th appliance we've had to replace since the end of June! Washer/dryer & refrig. All new purchased had to be upgraded from my 'needs'.....due to the extreme appliance shortages here. There's NOTHING I like at all about the new refrig. and the new washer and dryer are also smarter than I am....... What's wrong with just a simple basic appliance!?! So, off we go to Lowe's to find out that delivery, installation and haul away of our old one is half the cost of the entire new microwave! Astonishing. I'm going to look for more lovelies to change my mood back!!!!

  4. Beautiful post! I find that I notice all sorts of things when I'm looking for things to blog about.

  5. How fun, that dinosaur is a bit like the painted rocks. I wonder what kind of glue was used? Fun that it is there to stay for all to enjoy on that quiet stretch of road. I also love to find the little things, the close up of a flower, the architecture of a patch of moss or tree limbs.

  6. You are right...we don't take the time to look around us and appreciate what is around us!! Thanks for the reminder!! Love that someone glued that little animal...kinda cute!
