
Tuesday, August 17, 2021

FLOATING WITH THE WIND - New Japanese Style Art Quilt

Keeping track of the hours spent creating an original designed art quilt is not part of my process.  Mainly because in the end it doesn't matter, it's all about completing a well designed and executed piece and I don't want to feel like I have to rush so my hourly rate will improve.

However, after a discussion with some of my art buddies, I got curious.  62 hours went into this one.  It's discouraging just how poor the hourly rate would probably be when sold and if I factored in the cost of materials & equipment....I'd surely be totally discouraged.

Yet, I can no more quit making art than quit breathing!

 Contact me if interested
Japanese cottons, sewn edge applique, quilted 
with brass metallic thread, double fold binding.

Although the quilting above appears silver, the detail photo below provides the true color.  Additionally, the background fabric is a subtle print of ginkgo leaves on very dark green, not black as it looks.


  1. Hourly rate? Laughable, indeed. We need this as much as we need to breathe! This bit of creativity is exceptionally lovely. So glad that you share with all of us!

  2. Love this piece! This one won't last long at the booth. Gorgeous, your artistry is amazing.

  3. This is beautiful! How did you manage those birds? You have to love what you do or the hourly rate wouldn't keep you at it.

  4. The arrangement of the floating ginkos is perfect. I know you had to think and think about the quilting. Love the way it turned out.

  5. Very pretty! I love the calming vibe!

  6. Thank you Joan......for reminding me that this piece reflects calm......even though I was practically tearing out my hair arranging and rearranging the ginkgo leaves for hours and hours. LOL
