
Sunday, August 1, 2021


Several friends from the Mt. Art Quilters Group again gathered to do some gelli printing.  We were on such a quest, I neglected to take very many photos.  

Susan had been printing two days prior with another small group and she brought these beauties to provide further inspiration.  Notice how many feature printing on black fabric.....VERY effective.
I again kept my decision to self limit the colors I work with.  This time it's was mostly blues.  Two gray/black pieces snuck in, but I gave them away before packing up.   
I do believe I will be trying to print on black fabric may not be apparent, but in person this one was quite successful.
Kathie brought some really nifty texture rollers.  They were made by carving pipe insulation foam pieces, found in the plumbing department of big box hardware stores.  To use, simply slide a piece of PVC pipe through the hole.....and use like a rolling pin.  BRILLIANT!!!
Kathie also wowed us with more of her botanical printed scarves.  She's hooked!!!  She's taking Jane Dunnewold's eco printing online workshop with an emphasis on using the heat press process.

She's become quite the expert experimenting with different combinations of mordants and additives.  One of her favorites is gin....yes as in alcoholic gin!!


  1. What a fabulous day of creative fun with friends. Can't wait to see what you do with these new pieces.

  2. Isn't is such fun to paint and play with fabric? And all that inspiration, too. I love the results of eco dye and print. However there are certain messy techniques that don't draw me in, and that's one of them. Indigo dyeing is another, and I'm starting to think that dyeing in general is just a bit too much for me. Painting seems more like it. I like the use of black fabric, too.

  3. I'm so fortunate to have generous friends who have fabulous wet studios and other place outside where we can get messy. Not an option for my house sadly......but honestly it's so appreciated.
