
Tuesday, July 13, 2021


I'm thrilled for what seems to be pent up buying by shoppers at Woolworth Walk, downtown Asheville, NC.  Restocking gives the artist such a lift though it's always a bit of a dilemma trying to fit new work into the empty spaces since my pieces are rarely uniform in sizes.

Thus, this wall is super crowded, with any luck a piece will catch the eye of someone and I can rearrange for a more pleasing eye.
My booth mate Judy Simmons and I share the back wall....and now my area is a bit sparse.....I guess I need to get my sewing machine humming again!
We are so fortunate to be able to present a few of our larger pieces on Woolworth's entrance railing to greet customers.  Judy has two pieces on the right.  My newly hung Japanese inspired quilt is on the left.
And on the third railing there are two more of my Japanese pieces.  Judy rarely makes large pieces so I'm the beneficiary of more space!

If you see a piece that interests you, don't hesitate to contact the super helpful staff at Woolworth's who can complete your sale, carefully pack and ship it direct to your home or office.  

Gallery # - 828-254-9234