
Saturday, May 29, 2021


With little chance of rain.....pals from our car club suggested a drive.  As usual taking the backroads = curves galore.  Since it was a day before the Memorial Day weekend, we knew we wouldn't have the roads to ourselves, but the lure of asphalt overcame the guys. 

So, okay the weather man was wrong again......drizzle, downpours, gentle steady rain....we got it all.  It was fun seeing all the fisherman flicking their poles as they stood knee deep in the rock strewn rivers.  Try as I might, I was unable to get a viewable photo through the rain.

Our midway destination was of greatest interest to me.  One of our favorite eateries ..Caffe RELA Classic French Neighborhood Cafe, named after Chef Richard E. Long.  

He declares, "Our mission is "It's about the Food."  The Caffe is a teaching restaurant as Chef REL was fortunate to be mentored as a young man first by Russian Chef Peter Macheska.  Then by the great Chef Otto Indemauer, a third generation Swiss Chef. After seven years of training and learning he applied and was accepted in the renowned Greenbrier Hotel Apprentice Program in White Sulfer Springs, WV. 

Due to the size of Caffe REL no reservations are accepted. No Credit Cards are accepted because they use every dollar to support their team and produce an excellent product at a reasonable price for all to be able to enjoy. Hours are extended in season. An ATM is available next door at Hot Spot." 

No matter what one will not be disappointed....

Oh yes....did you read this carefully?  It's a small place....only 16 tables, no it's best to show up early....we arrived at 10:45 AM...they open at 11:00......and yes others were waiting too!  

You may not find it unless you knew it was located inside a Hot Spot Gas station, in Franklin, NC.


  1. Wow, a French restaurant inside a gas station! Looks like a fun day.

  2. I have wanted to eat there every time we do shop hop to Franklin! Haven't made it yet.

  3. It's worth the trip as the sole destination.....soooo delicious....

  4. Actually made me hungry! HA Glad you had such a wonderful outing!!!
