
Thursday, April 22, 2021


 Blogger has announced that Feedburner's service, which sends you emails of my posts, is being discontinued.  I'm trying to find another option so your messages with my posts is not disrupted.  This is the case for anyone using Blogger's email subscription service......shortly you will no longer receive automatic emails.

If anyone can help me by pointing me to where I find "Analyze & Select Subscribers" to start the process of finding a replacement it will be much appreciated.  It the first step in their instructions to set up something new but I can not find it anywhere.....not on blogger and not on Feed Burner...  HELP....

Personally, I use Vienna an RSS reader for all my feeds.  It's an app that when opened, lists all my subscriptions in one place.  So much more convenient than getting contant emails or hopping from site to site. Learn about it here. 

Feedly is another free service, both are easy to set up and use.

You may wish to explore these options for not only my blog, but other sites you read.  In the meantime if anyone can guide me through the process of getting my subscribers list, I'll try to set up a seamless email notitication for you.


  1. I use Bloglovin as a reader. You can set it for a digest version that will email you once a day with all your blog feeds in one email or set it to individually email you as each blog you follow sends a post. I have mine set to no emails, and I just go to it when I want to read blogs.

  2. I'm having the same problem as you Mary, but I'm not nearly as tech savvy as you so I don't know what to do next. I guess I'll keep trying.

  3. I am glad you are getting the word out before the july deadline. This feedburner thing is one more nail in the coffin of blogging.

  4. You've reminded me that I have to tend to this myself. I finally followed the correct (?) links to get me to what was supposed to be my list of e-mail subscribers (which btw was not the same as what blogger instructed) but when the list came up there were over 1200 email addresses on it and I know that cannot be right. Dates were listed beside most old and I finally decided it was not people who had subscribed to have posts e-mailed to them but who at one time or another had used the "follow" link. I still show 80 people on that in spite of the fact that the follow thing ended quite awhile ago I think and in looking at my stats I don't get nearly that many hits on posts anymore. While the e-mail notification is a nice touch and I do use it as offered on a few WordPress blogs, I mostly rely on The Old Reader as my feedburner alternative. I looked at the others back when the one I'd been using, The Reader, folded and saw nothing I liked as well, as convenient, so I was over the moon when someone decided to take over and revive it as exactly what it was, the old reader. That is what I am going to be recommending to my blog readers.
