
Sunday, February 21, 2021


 Here are some visual results of a few of my inspirations. I'm a high energy and antsy person, who loves to explore different subjects, mediums, & themes. I admire artists who find a path that satisfies them which generates recognizable work/style. That USED to be me when I was all about embellishing art quilts. Perhaps the older I get the more I need to discover what else I can create.  

Fabric inspiration - deconstructed screen printed, ice-dyed, Indigo dyed fabrics - the restful colors of blue/white with a splash of green. 

"Remembering Frank Lloyd Wright" - 24" x 22" 



Fabric inspiration - energetic warm colors of hand-dyed fabrics 

"Pick Up Sticks" - 32" x 32" AVAILABLE HERE

Inspiration - workshop/tour project - I designed this for students to make (and learn numerous beading techniques) while on one of my Hawaiian Quilt Tours.

"Hawaiian Moo Moo" - I regularly honored and spoofed my Wisconsin heritage by creating whimscial Holstein Cow designs.  

Inspiration - a group challenge - postage stamps

"Bluegrass Forever" - 42" x 32" - I'm a huge Bluegrass fan.

What inspires you?? The more you create the more inspiration you'll motto has always been: 'Mistakes are merely design opportunities, forcing one to experiment and grow, making an ordinary quilt, extra-ordinary."


  1. High energy and antsy translates to some beautiful and varied pieces!

  2. Indigo and screen print is my fav!!!! WOW! "Idle hands are the devil's workshop"...someone said this and my great aunt, who raised me, told me that ALL the time...hence, Type A's we are! HA

  3. You still have a recognizable style, even though you have evolved beyond what you were initially known for. True, there are pieces I would not immediately think of being made by you, but in a lot of your pieces, I see a folk style that is very recognizable as yours.
