
Wednesday, January 20, 2021


After much shuffling, eliminating, staring and moving pieces like they were on a chess board....this is the final layout.  Now all I have to do is come up with a way to piece it.  

The suggestions of using graph paper to determine the size and order of the black background pieces might work for some, but I'm a math idiot.  Some of the blocks measure in the 1/8" - 1/16", oh why oh why didn't I pay better attention at the start? And just to add to the drama....the gold fabric is a direction print....yup...silly me.

But you can see, I'm making headway and the whinning is over......I'm knuckling down and will get the job done!


  1. Progress! It's going to be lovely, and every time you look at it, you'll know you met the challenge.

  2. Good progress, you'll figure it out. As usual, the piece will be stunning when you get it all done.

  3. With any luck I won't be bald by the time I'm done!! LOL

  4. You certainly have it all mapped out now! It will be really great when you fill in all the blanks.
