
Saturday, December 26, 2020


This is a fiber blog.......therefore I purposely don't share very many personal details.  Today I'm making an exception.

Our family has been busy ever since learning the before-now, unknown genealogy of the Stori heritage.  Apparently, they were a very important family who had a hand in the formation of Switzerland……with a family crest and all.  It’s been verified by reliable authorities…..who knew!?!?  Details of the origins of the family and the symbolisms of the crest are fascinating.  Among other tidbits, the Stori’s apparently were citizens of Zurich way back to 1265.  

After the recent discovery of our family crest…..little Christmas elves went to work.

'The husband' had a whole bunch of embroidered patches made and mailed to various family members.

I had numerous 9” x 11” weatherproof plaques made for our immediate family.

DIL Kelly was the most creative, she had a wood carver in Russia (artist found on Esty) create a wood carving.  It's larger than it appears in the photo. 

               NO, I am not making a quilt!!



  1. Fascinating! I'm glad there are family historians around. Their research always turns up surprises. You, having a family crest.........royalty now!

  2. That is so neat! I've been researching my family for years and still have trouble getting much further than the 1700s and on one side not even that far! Congrats on the family crest!

  3. Frankly, I now think we should look for those long lost Swiss bank accounts!!!

  4. That's fascinating, and lots to learn. I expect yodeling lessons in the offing? Fun to uncover this.

  5. How cool to have found and now to keep this crest in the family!!! And you probably will use the design in a future quilt! HA

  6. Family history is always interesting to me, whether it's about my own family or someone else's. I don't think we've stumbled onto a family crest but my mother's side has been traced back to Scotland in the 1200's and later to England where in 1650, one of them was one of the Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal (whatever that is). There's even a portrait of that one hanging in the National Gallery, according to an aunt who went on a great genealogical search during a trip to England and Scotland in the 80's. Alas, no tartan, no crest came out of that trip! I have to say, that is some impressive woodcarving of the Stori family crest. Ah come on, Mary, not even a small textile rendition? ;-)
