
Friday, October 2, 2020


After over 6 months of zero face to face connection with my PTA (Professional Textile Artists fiber group) with social distancing, we gathered on the driveway Barbara's home. Barbara's husband built a rock surrounded fire pit that kept us warm until the sun was able to climb over the mountain.

Show and tell was prolific!  Dort wins the prize for creating the most quilts during her 'stay at home' time.  29 finished with 2 more pieced and ready to be finished.  Here are a few that she shared.
Many are intended as gifts and made using a wide variety of her huge fabric stash.  The large squares are one piece.  The smaller square is attached with machine sewn decorative stitches.

This one is so simple, a stash buster made so eye catching with the addition of those lovely salmon print squares.
Lynne's design for her quilt began at our PTA March 2019 retreat, based on an EQ layout she created.  She's our own super star this month after being featured in a new follows where you will see many photos of her designs.
Like so many of us, Judy has used her at home time to work on finishing various projects.  Judy, Kate and I often work on the same quilt design during our annual retreat and this one was our choice a number of years ago.  These joint projects began the very first retreat year when we made scrap quilts.  Sharing fabric is such a great way to increase variety.  I love this soft pink/greens palette which features large blocks of this pretty fabric.  I wish you could see the beautiful feather quilting that she added, outstanding!!!
Judy created these stunning small eco-printed pieces wrapped on small frames and each displaying her own haikus.  Look for them soon at Woolworth Walk Gallery in the space Judy and I share.....stroll down the stairs to #235.
Georgia Bonesteel arrived with a box of books to share.  Like so many of us during this Covid pause in our lives......organizing and purging is common.
Barbara awed us with two beautifully & accurately pieced quilts......  Who doesn't love blue and white quilts.....and the pineapple design is always a favorite.
What I especially like about this one is the unusual and effective color combination.

We went on to enjoy our brown bag lunches, share recommendations of books to read and TV shows to watch, and concluded with roasting marshmallows for s'mores.  We hope for a lengthy Indian Summer which will allow us at least one more outside meeting. 



  1. This is one of the best show and tells! So many great pieces to look at! I had to go back and look at the post from the beginning again before I commented! Wish our group had a 'backyard' or place to meet..we've been meeting at the library in the parking lot...not sure what we'll do in 2 was only 38 degrees this a.m. and weather is turning colder...perhaps, we'll just have to hold off meeting for awhile!

  2. We are grateful to Barbara for her generosity (and her husband who created the fire pit). We aren't sure what we'll do about meeting in the's getting cold here too....39 right now but thankfully our average temperatures generally runs to high 40's or low 50's in Asheville. I'm at a higher elevation so take off 5 degrees!

  3. I love seeing your PTA show and tell. I read Judy's blog, too, and you often show different pieces. Love seeing all the work you all do! All of us who have enjoyed our groups outdoors are hoping for a long, mild fall because I am NOT meeting outside in the snow!

  4. We are entering our second wave in Ontario. We have been asked to limit our in person contact with immediate house hold members again.

    It is so hard. I have outside distanced with few during the summer. Now fall is here and winter or cold weather usually starts in November.

    I love the images from your group. I imagine many in your group like my friends are having a few issues which make use be cautious. I hope you get in another visit soon.

    We FB messanger with my small sewing group. We met two weeks ago for the first time out doors. It was so nice to sit in the sun and just be together.

    Take care and stay safe.

  5. Awesome virtual quilt show! I am sure you all enjoyed the face time. Great to have a fire pit for a meeting place.
