
Saturday, April 4, 2020


Although I'm still sewing....I'm also spending time doing over-due tasks. 

  Next on my list.....get rid of all those out of date CD's that can no longer be played by any of my current computers.  Yes, I even have some on tape!!
In the past I have disposed of a lot of slides since this medium is out of date. Now it's time to get rid of the rest. AND...the stacks of photos I have need to be reviewed.  I have folders and folders of pictures, esp. from all the cruises and tours I hosted.  My scanner will be very busy, documenting and preserving these memories and freeing up cupboard/shelf space.

What are you doing to keep yourself busy???


  1. Oh my, weed out, hoe out. Where to begin? I thought my sewing room would benefit from this time to do an overhaul, but I must say that not much has happened in that direction. A few things, but nothing major... yet. I've been picking a spot to focus on. Yesterday it was a drawer in an end table. I found all sorts of useless things in there!

  2. I think I'd rather clean, weed or just play with fabric/paints then go through all my photo's! HA HA Every so often, I'll clean up my photo's on Google Photo's...but I just keep saving all those jpg files to my external drive! Soon I'll have to replace it! HA
