
Sunday, April 12, 2020


I'm accomplishing a LOT......but after my binge mask making I've switched gears and decided to tackle some long overdue tasks.
 There must have been 50 pounds of slides/photos/magazines with articles that should be clipped and filed, same with newspaper articles that I foolishly have been letting pile up.  Since slides are old technology, I had previously scanned most old images to use in my digital presentations. Never-the-less, I spent hours viewing them before disposing of what I no longer needed.
 It took me nearly 2 days to go through all the family photos....not to mention all my quilt related/cruise related ones.  They are now sorted (some scanned too) and organized in clear labeled folders.  WHEW!!
AND....I didn't stop there.  Several of my cookbook recipe binders were falling apart from 40+ years of use.  This baking one took about 3 hrs. to redo....but Yeah.....

Heck if this stay at home lasts much longer I'll be going through every drawer, closet, garage shelves.....hey...that's not a bad idea....

Hope you are using your time wisely or not...ha ha.....


  1. Wow! Very impressive! You are going to be so organized and caught up and cleaned up that you won't know what to do with yourself. Maybe do some fun stitching in there, too! Keep on staying safe.

  2. I am doing the same, organizing long neglected things. Photos are on my list as well as a couple of boxes of papers and things from my mother's estate. Stay well!

  3. I haven't gotten to the deep dive into ancient projects yet. Still enjoying reading, knitting and sewing current ones. Given enough time, I'll get there.
