
Monday, March 16, 2020


My project utilized a minuscule amount of my black and white fabric stash. I cut 576 patches for 64 blocks to make a 60" x 60" wall quilt.  As is my practice, the patches were cut at home and even with that jump start, I didn't go home with a completed top.  However, I did get all the blocks pieced!
 We sew in a large space with many windows overlooking Lake Logan.....Judy and I always share a little corner and push two tables together for easier chatting!
 Here's the stacks of my completed blocks.
 Now at home the blocks have been arranged on my design wall and will be pieced together as time permits. And with the now recommended social distancing, I should be finished in no time!
 My initial idea was to enhance the top with squares and circles in a selection of bright colors.  But after auditioning a few, I'm having second thoughts.
I may limit the number of colors and stick with just reds, yellows, and greens.  At this point I'm not thrilled with this either....perhaps the motifs should be larger, or positioned in a more defined pattern rather than an all over random appearance as planned.  Hummmmm.....

As is usual, the quilt will tell me what to do (probably after I spend lots of time auditioning ideas....finally an arrangement will catch my eye and guide me).  Suggestions welcome.......or hang back and see what happens.


  1. It looks like you will have fun playing with this idea. Sooooo many possibilities and soooooo much fun for you!

  2. I love the pieced background. And the solids should add lots of color interest. I'm with you- maybe the shapes in a larger size would speak louder. The overall feel of the top is that of "small print", so a smack in the eye of a large color accent might do the trick. But as you said, the quilt will tell you as you go! Enjoy your stitching. We, too, are in stay home and immune-boosting mode.

  3. 576!!!! Really!!!! Oh my do have more patience than anyone I know...see why you are my idol!!
