
Monday, March 30, 2020


In no particular's some of our correspondence & a visual.  It may be that these are the kinds of things that 'one would have to have been there' to appreciate, but I offer them in the hope that it will bring some levity to our now isolated days.

 Click on image to obtain a more readable view.....

Francie is the one with short hair, mine is long...... Top two photos are of our projects at the first Split Rock class we took, minus the instructor who left after the first day.  Bottom photo is how full my car was packed as we headed off on this first class together.

This is a fill in the blank letter we sent to a fellow student who sent the Spritzer Sisters South West style cow pins after we returned home.  Since you won't have a clue about who the others mentioned are.....I didn't redact their names.  Francie typed the letter and Mary filled in the blanks.  An amusing method for a two-person letter to be penned.

This was a 'safe' names to redact....just another example of the lighthearted view the Spritzer Sisters have on life.  One we all need right now!!

Here's the original copy of our camp song.....I've tried to darken the type for easier reading....again, you should be able to click on the image to enlarge it.

This will probably be the final installment of the Spritzer too much redacting would be necessary on other documents.  The Spritzer Sisters often had strong opinions and our correspondence was never intended for public disclosure.    Be safe out there everyone....and SMILE.....SISU....


  1. Funny stuff, thanks for the laugh this morning!

  2. As I commented before, this is just such a fun post!!!! Who would have thought!!!! Only you...but wait...there's another partner in crime in this group! Two of you! Who knew!!!
