
Saturday, February 22, 2020

REMEMBERING DOREEN - No - a last name is not required!!!

The Iowa Quilt Museum presents:  

Doreen Speckmann Remembered

On display through April 5, 2020

This colorful exhibit features works by noted teacher Doreen Speckmann, the quilts on display for the first time since her untimely death in 1999. Known for her wit & wisdom, as well as her teaching and publishing, Doreen led quilting cruises and used the world she explored as inspiration for her original designs.  

To learn more visit:

 Doreen and I had an immediate close friendship.  Bovines held a special place in our hearts, we were colleagues, confidants, passionate about quilts and the drive to share that love through workshops, lectures, and world wide travel, all while having FUN!  We were fellow Cheeseheads who could speak 'Wisconsinite' to each other so much so, no one could understand what we were saying.  Ya hey! 

Doreen impacted my life like no other person ever has and I'll always be grateful for her faith in me.  One day she asked if I'd create a one-of-a-kind garment for her. Surely one of the most satisfying projects I've ever made.  She in turn created this small wall quilt "Mary's Card Trick", for me.  I got the better of the trade!
It's gratifying to know new quilters will have the opportunity to enjoy her work and satisfying for those of us who knew Doreen, to know her art is still being cherished.  A warm thank you to all who have made this exhibit possible.


  1. Oh my, what a nice exhibit and tribute. Her pals Peaky and Spike!

  2. I, too, have warm memories of Doreen (though less personal:). She taught for my guild at a time when I was exploring my own creativity and design sense. One of the things she helped me discover was how much I like asymmetrical designs. :)

    A powerful voice for individuality. It's good that the museum is bringing her work into the present day.

    :) Linda

  3. Oh my gosh!!! I was just starting to quilt and I remember Doreen!!!! Wasn't she on a cruise??? I am so glad you posted on her and her quilts! Thanks!!!

  4. I'm not sure what Robbie meant by "wasn't she on a cruise"...... Doreen lead quilting cruises and tours about 3-4 times a year for many years. I was fortunate to be asked to teach on one of her Caribbean cruises....truly couldn't believe my luck. With great surprise continued to be invited almost every year afterwards, sometimes to do a cruise, sometimes a tour. The company she worked with had decided to expand and Doreen, by contract was allowed to select a person to host those trips. How fortunate that she selected me. I was on my very first solo hosting cruise to the Greek Isles while Doreen was just at the beginning of an Ireland Tour and when she passed away. The quilt world lost one of their most beloved and best instructors and I lost a very, very dear friend

  5. Well, THIS is a blast from the past. Like you, so happy to see her being honored again and her quilts on display. She was yet again one of the fantastic group of quilters and teachers that I learned from back when I decided to get serious about quilting and learn how to do it properly.

  6. When I lived in CA, and somewhat early in my quilting, I was able to take a few classes from Doreen. I loved that she was so open about her life and her quilting path and she was one of the best (if not the best) teachers I ever had. Without any stress I learned more techniques from her and that probably made my love for quilting grow. My friend and I often say...that's what Doreen taught us.

  7. Doreen was the most unforgettable quilter I ever met. Her cruises were the best...and I was there when her remains were scattered in the Caribbean. I enjoyed her humor and her humility...even tho she always seemed larger than life!

  8. What a perfect tribute Helen. Scattering her ashes was the conclusion of an entire trip that paid homage to Doreen.....perhaps you and Dottie joined us at Carlos & Charlies??? where Barbara gave Doreen her last cigarette, we gave her many last dances and many, many last margaritas. Doreen would have loved it!!
