
Saturday, February 15, 2020


Instead of indicating that we had our monthly PTA meeting.....we could have named our Feb. gathering "Pity Party".  These last few weeks have tested the patience of our members....what with several husbands being ill, several members ill, flooding issues, car problems etc.

But we rallied and spent a lovely day with Dort as our hostess.  I have no clue why the photos I took of her quilt in progress aren't on my camera....but I can state she was working hard on it.
 Barbara brought this colorful abstract top with an almost stain glass appearance.  The photo of course doesn't do it justice!
Here's Barbara explaining some of the construction issues she solved.
 Connie shared this large traditional quilted block, mounted on wood.  Love the color combo and contemporary fabric choices. 
I fell in love with Judy's newest piece.  A combination of her deconstructed screen printed and batik fabrics. The thoughtful fabric placement, quilting motifs, and hand stitching contributed to this very stunning piece. I just wish I could have gotten a better photo.

The drama in the lives of so many of our members was the understandable reason our Show and Tell was so month we will have our 12th annual retreat where wonderful pieces will be flying out of our sewing machines.


  1. I always like to see what your group is up to. Some great work there. I have been unable to leave comments on anyone's blog for quite awhile for some strange strange reason, which is why you haven't heard from me, but it seems to be working, now.

  2. It's still so nice to see some of the work you ladies complete or work on! Always inspiring. I just love our group and you have a great one as well. Enjoy the retreat!
