
Tuesday, February 11, 2020


Oh my, what a treat!!!  The Biltmore Estate is hosting another Downton Abbey Exhibit and I've been preparing for my visit by (yet again) binging on the TV series.  It was a dreary day outside, but with a happy heart I joined two friends as we examined the displays.  Thank you Lynn for making this happen!
 The exhibit has many interactive viewing stations. In fact there's a lot of unexpected high tech that I won't share to avoid spoiling the surprises for further visitors.  But at one such screen, viewers could apply for a job at Downton.  After answering numerous questions, I was short listed for a job as a Lady's Maid!
 Every aspect of life at Downton was on display.  Jewelry worn by the stars as well as clothing.
 How many times have we all seen Mrs. Hughes and Mr. Carson donning this clothing?  They are as familiar to fans as our own.
The Downton Exhibit is actually presented in two separate areas of the Biltmore Estate.   Quite a large selection of clothing worn by the actors was beautifully & thoughtfully displayed in Antler Village.  I was especially enthralled by the delicate embroidery and beadwork.  This was one of Mary's evening gowns.
This screen displayed pages of a book and viewers could listen the descriptions. The presentation is just beginning as the pages begin turn and become visible. What struck me as I traveled through the exhibit is the melding of our current technology into a long past way of life.
 Astonishingly one could walk into sets from the show, here's the kitchen along with (headless) Mrs. Patmore and Daisy!
Lady Mary's bedroom and two pieces of her bedroom wardrobe.
 Each room had video screens with scenes from those settings playing in the can see it here in the dining room.
  What incredible can just guess at how many courses they would be served by looking at all that flatware.
 As one nears the very end of this part of the exhibit, you come across 'the gong'!  Rung to announce the time to dress for the evening.  Of course I rang it.
 And as you enter the last room, Mr. Carson appears on a huge screen and asks who rang the gong!  Several other characters also make appearances, chatting with the viewer like you are actually there.  It's a charming way to end this part of the exhibit.

We spent several hours going through the two exhibits, so I'll spare you the massive number of photos I took.  Honestly, for such a fan as myself it was so much fun.  The exhibit will be at the Biltmore until April.  We arrived early and because it was a very rainy day, the crowd was manageable.  I give this an enthusiastic thumbs up!


  1. How wonderful! I hope you get the job as lady's maid after annoying Mr. Carson by striking that gong!

  2. I thought Nancy had seen this exhibit in Florida...or maybe it was another Florida bud! I love Downton Abbey and the costumes were wonderful!!! Thanks for sharing these pictures!!
