
Friday, January 3, 2020


Yes, I'm still alive but still not well. I continue to struggle with the after effects of the 'mother' of all allergic reaction rashes which has covered every part of my body. In an effort to divert my attention, I got into the studio and played with some crane motifs that will be added to a patchwork of deconstructed screen printed fabrics. Energy so low I didn't get far, but it's a start!!


  1. Feel better soon!! Those rashes are no fun at all, I know from personal experience!

  2. I love the subtle nature of the background of this quilt. Those deconstructed fabrics are fabulous.
    PS Sorry you are under the weather. HOpe you are better soon.

  3. Wow, this has really hit you hard. Good that you were able to managed a little creative diversion. Virtual hugs which you should be able to handle. ;-)

  4. It's a great start- that background is wonderful! I'm so sorry you are still struggling- this has been such a long-lasting ordeal. Were you finally able to get to a physician for some resolution? The holidays do complicate appointments, and some can be delayed more easily than others. Waiting with yours- not pleasant at all. Hope improvements come soon.

  5. It's a wonderful start! I do hope you're felling more like yourself soon.

  6. As I mentioned on FB...your 'start' is better than my 3/4 finish!!! Love where this is going!!! Do take care...hope you start feeling your 'old' Mary again!!!!

  7. Oh no! I have not been keeping up with blogs lately and didn't read about your allergic reaction. I sure hope you feel better soon. Hugs!

  8. I haven't checked your blog in a while and I didn't know that you were sick. What a bummer, especially during the holidays. I hope you are back to your old sunny self soon. I really like this piece. The background is wonderful.
