
Friday, December 13, 2019


I'll be dieting for a month after this week's round of holiday parties.  PTA's was held at Janice's home.  I'll try to make this brief as there was so much going on I had to pick and choose what to post.
 Dort generously gives each of us a small jar of her homemade mustard each year.  She's started a trend. Cathy passed out bars of luxury soaps for all of us and Barbara gifted everyone a nifty flashlight, featuring a magnet that allows one to attach to a refrigerator so you'll always know where to find it.
 We do a 'white elephant' gift exchange...some gifts are truly white elephants possibly destined to show up next year, others are more coveted items that are sought after. The order of selection is determined by drawing a number. Stealing gifts from another recipient when your number comes up makes it extra fun.
 Food and wine were plentiful, beginning with appetizers.
Show and tell was very limited but that doesn't mean it wasn't exceptional.  Marene made this stunning wall piece using a printed fabric panel purchased from Barbara Webster.

 Dort made this adorable little piece for a friend who adopted one of her cats that was having a difficult time transitioning to their new home.
 This is a commission piece she made of a home in Portland, OR.
 Now.....back to the gift exchange....Dort is our true mountain gal.....more than once she had to hop up and dig her handy small folding knife from her pocket to aid in opening boxes.
 This gadget is an example of an item that got recycled back to the group.  It's some sort of straight pin dispenser...which immediately fell over, spilling all the pins.  Remember the flashlight I mentioned earlier.....the magnet on the back  worked well to corral the pins.
 Many times there will be numerous items included with one cute is this bonus holiday sock coin purse!
 Dort recently moved out of their 1800's log home and uncovered long forgotten items in the process.  Georgia displays this Union suit undergarment...
 .....and a man's swimsuit which dates to about was a 'Speed Style" suit.
 Georgia has a habit of putting bows on her head at every party....and the funny thing is we are so totally used to it, she could have and gotten in her car to go home and we'd never think to remind her to remove it.

Ya gotta wonder....why two bras?  I guess one of our members ordered them and decided the fit wasn't right and yup....they ended up at our gift exchange where Marene went along with the fun.

That's all for now.....there's a lot more to share but I'll leave it to your imagination.  Hoping all you faithful readers are enjoying this wonderful time of the year, making memories with your buddies too.


  1. What a fun group. And, oh my, the eating... our Fiber Bee had our gathering yesterday, and of course we all ate too much. But what fun it was. Georgia might like to know that three of our members were wearing hand-made "fascinators"- head bands with ribbons and Christmas doodads attached. They were delightful.

  2. It looks like a great party and such fun gifts. I have those same Christmas dishes. I call this the Eating Season, because it's just one food related event after another. It's so hard to be good, but after Christmas it's back to normal eating.

  3. Oh my gosh...what a fun day!!!!! Even though S&T was limited it is, as always, outstanding. I think our little group should do this as well!! Maybe I can talk them into a White Elephant exchange next to remember!!!

  4. White Elephant or Dirty Santa, you decide. Whatever the case... I always end up with the WORST gift! Sigh...

  5. What fun. The pin dispenser cracked me up. How often is something designed for someone else when the designer is relatively clueless about the needs of the person they are designing for? Best pin dispenser in my collection, basically is a magnet. I have several. Love how I can throw a pin at the magnetic "dish" and the magnet catches it.
