
Monday, October 14, 2019


Petit Lemans, a premier 10 hour road race, is held at Road Atlanta every October. It's always an exciting race because there are 4 different categories of cars running at the same time...requiring the super fast prototype vehicles to navigate around the slower classes.  Car enthusiasts look forward to this very competitive event, while wives like me dread the 3 days of loud cars, terrible food, either too hot or too cold weather.  Alas, we go every year.
Porsche has now teamed up with Coca Cola thus a new look for their two factory sponsored cars.  Personally, I'm not a fan, preferring their old school styling of the past.  Unfortunately, the new look didn't bring them a win....they came in 4 & 5th of their class.
The saving grace of these type of car races is the Porsche Club of America's hospitality tent and their Porsche only parking for about 200+ cars.  A very impressive site.  It's so large I couldn't get all the cars in just one photo.

On my personal "keep myself amused' list is license plate viewing. I'm very late in coming to the TV series Black List.....I'm guessing this owner is a fan too.
You could hear a pin drop as this very respectful huge crowd stood with hands or hats over their hearts, as the National Anthem was sung while two sky divers carrying American flags, landed on the start/finish line just before the race began.
That was followed by HUGE, numerous bangs of fireworks to mark the start of the race.
We stood on the medical helicopter pad overlooking the last turn as the cars made their first lap around the track....this driver ended up sideways but fortunately got himself straightened out without further incident.

The weather was actually perfect this year and surely I must have lost a pound or two with all the miles we walked around the track.  Back home now....and ready to sew again!


  1. Sounds like a fabulous weekend to me! I hope you had ear plugs.

  2. I like the Coke Car, but have nothing to compare it with- but it's pretty eye-catching and the lines look good. Very glad the weather was so glorious. Had to chuckle at the men drooling and the women groaning over the event. But you found some good ways to entertain yourself. I think a little would go a long way with me, though I like quite a few elements of the event- the parking lot alone is impressive. Back to stitching.

  3. So glad you both got out and about!!! I was going to ask about the ear plugs as well but see you answered that! HA
