
Tuesday, October 22, 2019


I'm the first to admit my dislike of free-motion quilting...oh I admire those that have conquered the skill, but over-all I've always been more of a handwork person.
However, in order to offer wall art for sale at an attractive price point, shortening the time commitment while maintaining high quality work has led me to utilizing the machine more and more.

Recently I was whining about the tension issues I was having while attempting to quilt a piece.  Turns out, it wasn't just my lack of FM skills, my machine decided to disrupt the tension, even when sewing a straight stitch.  Living in our area has some is access to repair people. ANY sort of repair needs will lead to hair pulling. In this case, there's not a single Janome dealer closer than a 3 hr. round trip drive.  

My Janome 8900 is now in the hands of someone who can hopefully get it up and running quickly.  Thankfully, I have a spare machine (thank you Denny).  My first love, a Pfaff.  I'd have stuck with that brand except after who knows how many times this company has been bought and sold, their machines are now quite inferior.  Fortunately, the old faithful 7570 I have still makes me smile.


  1. Never fun to have to take a machine for repair! Such a rainy morning this morning, perfect day to get some sewing done. I love my Pfaff too.

  2. I would switch off each year to have my machine cleaned in Florida! Dealership was only 7 miles from the in Michigan it's over an hour to where my machine can be repaired/cleaned...that's almost 90 min. to and another 90 min. back a week or two later...ugh...don't know what I'll do now...I just might end up cleaning far, knock on wood, I haven't needed any repairs! Fingers crossed! Good luck with your machine!
