
Friday, August 16, 2019


The Fiber Junkies had to cancel our scheduled indigo dyeing meeting two months ago due to bad weather.  But this week the weather gods cooperated....

I had previously folded, clamped, tied, and labeled my fabrics as did most of our other members, so in a blink of an eye we were raring to go.
Organized as always, Judy had color coded buckets of water for each of us to do a 30 min. soak of our fabric.  After which we placed them on the grass to drain of excess water to avoid diluting the indigo pot.
 Our hero Judy also prepared two buckets of indigo dye.  We left our fabrics in the buckets for about 15 minutes. 

 Next, they were hung from the 2 clotheslines Judy had strung with beautiful views of her many gardens.
 Of course the bundles could have stayed tied while they dried but none of us had the patience for that and soon we started the reveal process.  Kate used some Plexiglas shapes as resists with wonderful results.
 Because I had quite a bit of Liberty of London Lawn fabric - solid pink, I decided to overdye it as I really dislike that color.  Unfortunately, some of my pink fabrics retained far too much pink for my taste....
.....but after a quick dip in and out of the indigo dye bucket....this is how it turned out.

Come back tomorrow to see more of our results.....

Linking to:  Nina-Marie's Off The Wall Friday & Sarah's Whoop, Whoop Friday.


  1. Good thing to do that as a cooperative effort, looks like it makes a mess but produces some wonderful fabrics.

  2. What an exciting day- waiting for the reveal is the hard part! And being prepared with the fabrics already tied, bundled, banded really let you get into it. Looks as if the weather was next to perfect for this activity. Will await more results.

  3. This is something I've never tried, but the more I see people doing it and their results, the more intrigued I become. Smart idea to dip that pink fabric a second time!

  4. I've never dyed with real indigo. It looks like you had a lot of fun making some very cool pieces.

  5. Great way to find a way to use the pink to good results.

  6. WOW...I've only done Indigo dyeing once with our art group. We got great results and appears so did your group! Can't wait to see the rest of the work!!! Very nice!!!

  7. Oh, dyeing days? FUN!! Our groups skipped this year, as no one had used last year's fabrics. :o((

  8. Mary's comments - One key discovery I figured out after years of doing any sort of dye/deconstruct screen printing/indigo dyeing…..etc. that I came away with dibs and dabs of nothing that coordinated with anything else. (wanting to try every color/combination). So now I make sure to do enough fabric of the various colorways to actually have enough to produce a piece. Of course that doesn’t mean the entire piece has to be done with one kind of fabric……but I try now to generate enough to work it into a piece.

  9. I'm catching up on my blog reading, you've been having way to much fun! Makes me want to get an indigo pot going and finish with some popovers ( I haven't made those in decades!).
