
Monday, August 19, 2019


Western North Carolina is a mecca for fiber artists and I'm very fortunate to be acquainted with so many talented ones.  I met up with pals Lynn and Arlene for lunch which of course included show and tell.

I was asked several years ago to provide suggestions for a challenge project that Lynn's SIL's Wisconsin quilt guild was undertaking.  It occurred to me that one of my older quilts would be suitable and easily undertaken since it was available as a published pattern: "Classic American Quilt Collection:  Schoolhouse"  -  publisher Rodale Press -1995  - pg. 40-47, 104-105.    Kay's quilt was a big hit, so much so that Lynn decided to make this one herself.

It was beautifully and thoughtfully quilted by Loving Stitches Quilt Shop in Fayetteville, NC. 
Lynn's attention to detail is evident even in her label.....
Lynn is also an accomplished's a close up of a sampler shawl she just completed.  A great way to learn new stitches.

Arlene is also an excellent knitter as well as practically anything associated with sewing. She's modeling her newest shawl that took ages to complete....see why below.....intricate knitting with delicate yarn.
Lovely, isn't it?

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's a really nice label!! So great she gave you credit. Loving Stitches was such a huge help to our Carolina Hurricane Quilt Project, Dee Dee is a super gal!!
