
Wednesday, May 15, 2019


The Mountain Art Quilters group was created several years ago as an offshoot of SAQA (Studio Art Quilters Association), though one doesn't need to be a member of SAQA to join.

I LOVE this group......talented, enthusiastic, generous, friendly members, all with a positive attitude.  Here's some show and tell from our recent meeting. This group has a very active membership, most belong to other smaller and larger groups.....therefore show and tell is always very inspiring.
 Diana has been enjoying creating small improv pieces....this measures appx. 12"...and says a lot!
 Several members belong to another smaller group where they have been experimenting with quick fire round robin improv designs.  Each brings a small block, plus an ample amount of her own 'statement' fabric.  Each block is passed to another member who adds their own 'focal/statement' fabric to the piece.  They have 30 mins. to complete the task before it's moved to the next member.  By the end of the day, most have a small  improv wall piece.  You can see some of the results below.  
 A fascinating concept which they've repeated at another gathering using solids. Here's Diana's.
 Julie enjoys creating small pieces, utilizing handwork and often adding a few embellishments.
 Kathie made this stunning scenic piece featuring 'belted' cows...when we first saw them here....we called them Oreo cows.
 Another finished piece of Kathie's.....featuring her trademark improv pieced background.
Jenny's nearly finished working on a Tsukineko ink photo doesn't do this justice, hopefully she'll bring it again when the edges are completed.
 Lisa's other group has an annual challenge....requiring the maker to conform to theme, size, and often the addition of one specific color.  Here are two exceptionally wonderful small pieces that pay homage to our Western North Carolina surroundings.

 I didn't get a chance to photograph all the terrific pieces Lisa brought but here are two more improv pieces, some using her own printed/dyed fabrics.

I can hardly wait for our next meeting in July!!


  1. Wow...what cool pieces! And each so different!!! I've said it are so lucky to be around all these inspirational women! And they to be around you!

  2. We get so much from the support of like minded artists, as well as being able to give support and encouragement to our friends. Love groups like this...aren't we lucky to have them?
