
Tuesday, May 7, 2019


This month we concentrated on fugitive printing.....using water soluble crayons. Most of us got poor results and found the process tedious.  I won't go into detail about all the steps except to say designs are drawn on a silk screen...the crayon material is then dissolved by pushing it through the screen with a gel medium onto fabric or paper then heat set.

Rather here's some photos of our printed pieces...
 This was my first attempt.....the fabric most likely will be deep sixed.
 Several designs line drying....
 The highlight of the day......Susan realized she forgot to put fabric beneath her screen.....therefore the design on her screen (see below) got printed onto her kitchen towel that she used to protect the table and for padding. I spy an empty wine glass?!?  Hummmm......Honestly we laughed for a good long time over this 'oops.'

 Rather than drawing my own design I used one of Gen's many rubbing plates....
 .....and attempted to print it onto wool/felt......not very successfully I'd say.
 Judy is using a stencil for her design.
 Again, it was difficult to obtain consistent results.
This beautiful flower design is Gen's.....she printed it on paper.

Happily, I believe we are working with Indigo next month which is a favorite of mine.


  1. Interesting--I've not heard of doing fugitive media this way. I've seen fugitive media screened over with gel medium or textile extender. Thanks for your post--makes me less eager to experiment with this method!

  2. Thank goodness she had a towel down, or she'd be looking at that on her table!

  3. I'm so glad you shared this, I've tried it and also had terrible results, now I don't feel so bad.

  4. Gee...I think the results look good from here.....funny, I saw the wine before I read your comment. HA
