
Friday, May 31, 2019


We've spent years haunting flea markets, garage sales, and antique stores and shows collecting cow creamers.  At one point our collection grew to over 250.  Our move from Wisconsin to North Carolina forced us to find homes for some but still we were left with 183 that had been individually wrapped and stored in plastic bins for the 13 years we've lived here.

It was a chore that took many days to unpack, sort, clean, photograph, and put up for sale.  Happily.......they now all live in someone else's pasture.  We were a tad teary eyed as truly we really enjoyed the hunt....but one needs to get practical and we are patting ourselves on the back for this accomplished....OH WAIT.....MARY is patting herself on the back.  "The husand' only grunted.....didn't participate.....don't say as I blame him.

Next I'm working on the 250+ Excellence Porsche Magazines......We own ALL of them from day one...even though now are now impossible to get.  Anyone collect Porsche memorabilia?!?


  1. Oh my, that is quite a herd!! Did they all go to one buyer?

  2. Yes, the entire collection went to one buyer. Ridiculous even moving them from WI here when we knew we had no place to display them....instead they took up valuable storage space which hopefully will now remain free of anything else!! I want clean and decluttered at this stage of my life.

  3. Oftentimes, collecting really is more about the hunt, and after that many creamers of a kind, I think you can feel ok about the hunt being over. Mary, you're not in Wisconsin anymore - lol

    I've been thinking about my china tea cup collection, nowhere near the size of your creamer collection, but still stuck in a box since the last move over 6 years ago. The core of the collection are ones that belonged to my grandmother, and so decorative that most are difficult to drink out of, not to mention no one drinks such a small amount of tea in a sitting anymore Others are a few my mother added herself or were gifts, and she and I had a ritual of having tea out of them on special occasions, choosing which one we'd prefer on the day.

    I know there are some more practical, mugs actually, in the collection that I would use if they were out. But the way I narrowed down the hunt for what to add to my collection became a search for any with violets on them, because a relative I dearly loved had given me a matching sugar and creamer with violets. So while I have room for these in my china cabinet (just), I wonder if I really want most of them anymore, would use most of them if they were accessible and whether I should set aside the memories of the hunt to pass these along. Downsizing is always so much angst even if we are ready to be shed!

  4. Took one look at the image of all those cow creamers and knew the post came from you, Mary. I have such fond memories of you sharing your wearable art at my guild 25 years ago, or so. One of the outfits was a cow. That, I thought, is a person with a great a sense of humor and talent.

  5. Good for you for finding a buyer for all of them. As is often said, it is the thrill of the hunt. I have a fabulous collection of antique thimbles, from plastic advertising to 14 karat gold. Hubby and I would frequent antique stores when on a road trip. What will happen to them when I am gone? I would love to find a museum that would treasure them as I did. Now they just take up valuable space in my studio.

  6. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Minnesota. Regards

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