
Sunday, April 14, 2019


I normally stick to fiber related posts but thought this might interest some of you that have grand kids.  We just returned from meeting our CA son/family at a resort in Hilton Head.  Fortunately the weather cooperated except for a couple of hours one morning.......
.....which was the perfect time to assemble a puzzle I had custom made to use as an activity in case of poor weather! The colorful areas were the most fun for the kiddos who had a little help. But everyone stuck with it and in about an hour+ it was assembled.

 'The husband'...who doesn't like to be featured in my blog is on the right.  From time to time some of you ask how he's doing after his two very difficult spinal here's an update.  He's wearing what looks like a 'horse collar' with a mini iPad like computer on the lower front.  It's a bone stimulator which is worn 4 hours each day.  That doesn't seem like it should be a hassle but oh my it is.  One certainly wouldn't want to go out in public with it.....I'm sure it would frighten folks.  I call it voo-doo's supposed to help stimulate bone growth in the areas of his 6 cervical disc fusion failure.  It's been a couple of months with 1 1/2 more to go.  Scans will be taken at the end of May to see if there are any positive results.  If so, that might lessen the chance of more spinal damage by strengthening this area, unfortunately he'll still be in pain 24-7 forever.
The puzzle was made by Shutterfly....ordered online with a photo I had of the boys being boys.  Highly service at what I thought was a reasonable price.


  1. Glad you got to spend some quality time with the family. And a custom made puzzle? Great idea!!!

  2. You made great use of a bit of rain. It's just astonishing the things that can be done with technology in medicine. Speaking of puzzles, I always puzzle about who the heck came up with such an invention and how??? But here's hoping it does what it's billed to do to make the challenges of using it worthwhile. All the best to him!

  3. I'll pop in and say.....having this puzzle availalbe was such a great activity option during a rain break. Selecting the right photo for the puzzle took some thinking......knowing it would be worked on with little ones....but I think this was great....enough color for the kiddos to find pieces and enough more challenging similar colored areas for the old folks!

  4. Thanks for hubby daughter is going through a neck/arthritis issue and had one injection; didn't work, now wants to have another injection plus some work with nerve endings...ugh...sure hope your hubby get some relief...I'm sure even a little relief will make him feel better....
