
Tuesday, February 5, 2019


The cold and rain clouds that hung over me at Daytona Beach have followed me to Arizona!  However, that didn't deter us from enjoying our 8th annual Girlfriend Art Camp at a friend's home.  She's a snow bird, her husband is back home in MN working, so it was just us gals. 
 We started with a bit of eco-printing....using several varieties of eucalyptus
and geraniums.
 We brewed up some iron water using these rusty items to add color to our water/vinegar steam bath done in a turkey roaster.
 Various sides of dowels were used to roll our foliage laden fabrics before processing them for about 2 hours.
We use shrink wrap over the fabric which tightens as it heats, helping to keep the foliage in good contact with he fabric.
 As usual, I often work with wool, here's one of my better prints.....before the rust developed too deeply.
And a few more....
 And a view of more pieces that thrilled us.

This one wasn't wrapped tight enough, but I personally love the mysterious design.

Come back tomorrow.....we have more to show.....


  1. Oh, yay, you're at camp again! What a lovely get together. I think you said Sun City? The recent Quilt Folk magazine had an article on a quilt collector that lives there as well. She has some wonderful old quilts. If your group is interested in vintage quilts, perhaps you could make a visit on an upcoming Camp adventure. If you need info, I can look up the article again and give you her name. We saw a golf event in Phoenix over the weekend, and it looked quite dismal! Hope you get some good weather while there. But the play time is really the key, and you've already jumped into that.

  2. Great you got away...but what's with the rain! I love the look of your pieces...look forward to more pics!!!! I've not had great success with eco printing...would love to learn more...just one more technique to add to that 'fiber bucket list'!!! HA
