
Monday, December 10, 2018


We marked another year of fabulous Fiber Junkies gatherings at Gen's house with our annual Christmas party.  As usual we began with Show and Tell.
 Denny continues with a mind boggling amount of quilt making....LARGE pieces I might add.  Here's another beauty that has been colorfully pieced and appliquéd.  She's certainly perfected both skills.
 She also completed an ethnic was such a pleasure to examine the variety of fabrics and patterns she selected to incorporate into this thoughtful piece.
 I especially love this center block representing cotton fields.
 But NO...she didn't stop there....she pieced the backing and assembled in the lap-quilting method.
 Susan made a table runner....that is so much lovelier than my photo shows!
 Gen is still smitten with paper and is having fun using a variety of pens and inks to create these detailed cards. 
 We love them too and howl at the clever and profound words!
 Denny treats us every year to the most beautiful and delicious Yule Log.  Believe me.....if we didn't know how yummy it was, we'd have a difficult time cutting into the masterpiece.  Denny kids us about the hours it takes to make it....but confesses, it's purchased at a bakery in Greenville, SC.

To start off our pot luck, along with some festive bubbly (our adult beverage of choice for this group), I made herb goat cheese stuffed dates.  A good pal (thank you Lynn) gifted me some Palestinian Medjoul dates purchased on her recent trip to the Holy Land.  They are said to be the best in the world, and I'll vouch for that!

Our meal was beyond delicious.....we all happily groaned as we tried to stand up!!
 Our annual gift exchange is always so special.  We each bring a wrapped gift.....can be homemade or not.  We draw numbers to determine the order of selecting a can select an wrapped gift OR steal from someone who has already opened one.....such fun!!
 I was so excited to open this gift....but darn it...Gen decided to steal it from me....not to worry......

.....I then took this Prima color pencil set and one of Kate's handmade book covers from Denny!
Denny's contribution was a book that was enclosed in a lovely silk noil paint surface designed bag.  She used a metal ruler for the snap closure.
Kate was thrilled with her gift.....hand knitted fingerless gloves made by Gen.

This is the only meeting all year where we don't concentrate on fiber experiments....instead we spend time making a list of 'goals' that we'd like to explore in 2019.  Hard to believe I'm typing 2019...where did 2018 go??

Many of you readers tell me you enjoy the adventures of the Fiber Junkies....I thank you for words of encouragement.....we will be back in Jan. with more fun ideas to share with you.


  1. Your group sounds wonderful. What beautiful creations you showed. You are a talented group of women. Merry Christmas!

  2. What a fun day! You are all such creative ladies!!

  3. Festive fun and fiber, too! The lap method of quilting is really interesting on the sampler quilt (which is lovely). Gen's cards- got to love the humor and whimsy. Keep the Fiber Junkies adventures coming in 2019- a top goal. Yes, 2019- the time does fly by.

  4. One of the things I like about your Fiber Junkies group is the same thing I like about my own group - you do not limit yourself to obvious quilting work or even obvious surface design work. Your members represent a variety of artistic expressions, from actual quilts large and small to work with paper and lots in between. So much more expansive inspiration-wise than if you all did the same thing.

    Will be interested to see what you do with that colored pencil set, you who say you cannot draw. Maybe this will help unleash a heretofore hidden talent. :-)

  5. What an absolutely amazing group of ladies! I LOVE these posts.

  6. Another fun filled day, how wonderful to have such a talented group of friends.

  7. Denny's work is always are the other lady's!!! The sayings on the cards are a hoot!!!! Love them too!!!! I remember the yule log from your posts from year's past...yummy!!!! Always such a great post seeing your group's work!

  8. What a great group of friends -- I love reading about your meetings. And I just made cheese-stuffed dates for my art quilt group's holiday party, too!

  9. Because I live in an area without a Fiber Junky type group I relish your blog posts. I love seeing what you gals are up to. I do also enjoy seeing what creativity you do. All of you are such an inspiration! Thank you! Can't wait to see what you all do in 2019.
