
Tuesday, November 20, 2018


In years past when our families all lived close by, the Tuesday and Wednesday  before Thanksgiving found me in the kitchen. Not so anymore, so what the heck...I guess I have time for some patchwork sewing instead!
 Pals Judy, Kate and I pooled our novelty fabric some years ago when we each made I-Spy quilts for gifts during our annual PTA retreat.  Since then we've kept them in one large rotating bin....adding and subtracting as we needed to create another baby quilt.
It's my turn now and I have lots of new goodies to add to the bin after some subtracting of pieces to use myself.
 What fun....pawing through the collection to find just the right theme for this particular quilt and fussy cutting 4.5" patches.
Another friend, thank you Lynn, gifted me fabric containing the names of Wisconsin cities.  I've treasured it for a long time, waiting for just the right project.  

The traditional Thanksgiving Day food preparation at our home will be easy with just the two of us and that should leave plenty of time for Black Friday shopping which of course has already begun on so many websites!


  1. Why is it that other people's scraps are so fascinating- more than our own? What a fun project to pass the tote around. And sewing rather than cooking? Any time! Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. What a nice gesture and good way to use up all those scraps...I only have to make 3 pies, which is easy. My son and DIL do all the cooking!! DIL won't let use do anything to make it pies it is! I am going to make hubby and I a turkey breast over the weekend! Have to have some leftovers! HA

  3. This is a neat idea. And I agree others scraps are sometimes more interesting!

  4. I love the cooking for Thanksgiving, and miss having a big family dinner. I'll still make my dressing and bake a pie today, maybe I'll bake some bread too. Then off to the longarm to begin quilting another Carolina Hurricane Quilt Project quilt that my friends helped me assemble last week.

  5. Love, love LOVE the idea of a traveling I-Spy fabric bin!! It looks like it houses some really fun prints. Enjoy the process of making a new baby quilt!

  6. It's Mary here.......yes, yes....a traveling I-Spy bin was such a good idea, in the quest of obtaining a large variety of fabrics, esp. given the cost of material these days. Consider organizing one with your friends.
