
Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Thank you everyone who took the time to reach out to me wishing us well as Florence heads to NC.  We are about 6 hrs. from the coast so our impact is expected to be lots of rain and wind.  The biggest worry we have is loss of power.  I'd like to say I'll treat that as a character building moment/s/days perhaps, but I will whine for sure.

I can report I drove round trip 50 mins. each way to Asheville today, most of it on I40 and there were lines and lines of power trucks heading south.  Seriously.....convoys of 10 + and then another grouping and another and another.  

We've become such a critical and complaining nation's heartwarming folks to know that help is already on the way for those impacted.  Of course, the problems will be bigger than just loss of power but clearly advance aid is in the works for one aspect of the recovery!  


  1. Hope you stocked up on groceries and gas if you have a generator! Grab all that hand work just in case!

  2. Forget the chocolate....stick up on bubbly!!!

  3. We are stocked too! Generator is ready. I just hope I can get the rest of the State Fair activities in before it gets inland to us.

  4. The staging done by power companies is wonderful, and quite a comfort. Do you have a generator? We had a small one for a few basics, but otherwise had to "rough it" in the heat and humidity after Irma last year this time. One thing I bought that was truly a help- a Coleman solar shower. Once the sun came out, the water heated up very nicely and there was enough for both my husband and me to take showers. He set it up on our patio outside, rigging to the lattice work overhead and placing a privacy screen. What a pleasure a warm shower was! All the best.
