
Friday, March 11, 2016


I scheduled my last two posts to publish while I'm away. We have only very spotty wi-fi at the facility so I probably won't be able to see if anyone was a good detective until I get home.

BUT......Yes, that was a Pfaff you saw ready to be seat belted into my car. After selling every last foot, bobbin, and accessory I had for my dead mother board Pfaff machine......I was astonished to be gifted this 7570!!!!!!!!
Recently I had a long talk with myself about the need to get acquainted with its replacement, a 8900 Janome.  I began a notebook documenting the various settings/feet that I use the most to cut down on the frustration associated with a machine that does everything except churn ice cream! I even did some test blocks for the retreat and felt comfortable.....EXCEPT for the fact that the Janome is really big and weighs a's not something I care to bring to a workshop-type setting.

In the nick of time this unselfish gift came my way.  Our newest Fiber Junkies  member Denny has a family situation that required her to immediately and drastically downsize her 'dream' studio space.  I'm totally indebted to her....even wanted to trade my first born but that was rejected.....

So as you read this.....there will be 10 happy PTA members stitching and laughing away their days.....including me and a Pfaff.

I hesitated about sharing this rather personal story....but then could probably only happen in the quilt world!!! Thank you, thank you know my thoughts are with you during your difficult road ahead.


  1. What a happy ending for you! And trust me, it has given Denny great joy to be able to do this for you. The friendships forged in the quilting world are something else.

  2. Oh my goodness Mary. Your friend Denny is an angel! I didn't see your last post. (My book went into editing.) This Pfaff is so much more portable than the Janome, which isn't, at all.

  3. Good comes to the 'good'!!! Can't wait to see what all you've been up to this week!!

  4. you are a lucky girl hope all will be well with Denny. Quite a few girls at out MQG have the janome what an amazing machine think maybe that is on my wish list but that will be as near as it gets to me!
