
Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Now that my aches and pains from being rear ended on the interstate a couple of weeks ago have pretty much disappeared.....I'm ready to start creating again.  However, my 'lay off' generated some 'artist block'.

I wandered around my studio, choosing and rejecting dozens of fabrics and ideas.  Just when I was to the point of major frustration......two painted pieces caught my eye.
This was done in the fall using thinned mx dyes.  The vertical spot in the upper right side is actually a flaw in the fabric.....I like to call things like this, "design opportunities". The piece is now on my design wall.....waiting for further inspirations....
This is what is left of a larger section that was also painted using dyes.  With all the deconstructive screen printing/and surface design we do at our Fiber Junkie meetings......I purposely set out to make some interesting 'solid' fabrics.
 That fabric was cut into random size rectangles, along with a variety of commercial batiks to create a background.
Happily, several pieces earmarked for an exhibit I'm participating in this spring at the NC Arboretum have sold.  So I need to make a few more featuring nature themes for the display.  

I was excited by the color combination/contrast of the pieced background and the black and white batik fabrics.  However, even before I actually cut out a leaf from the fabric I KNEW it wouldn't work.  The print is too busy for the detailed shape of the leaves.  So.....I'm either going to change the fabric OR perhaps try to change the leaf style.  BUT....that's what keeps us interested isn't it??  One-of -a-kind art is challenging to create.....yet the rewards can be so great.


  1. Love the fabric combination. Maybe the leaves just need to be much larger. Looking forward to seeing the solution you come up with!

  2. I love the colors of this patchwork about just using threads/beads to create designs....

  3. your rest from stitching has led you to finding some nice dyed pieces love what you have done with the pink

  4. I am IN LOVE with that pieced background. I have such a difficult time getting that random look, randomly sized rectangles that make sense.

  5. The pieced background is just lovely Mary! Looking forward to seeing how you do the leaves!

  6. I love the pieced background...anxious to see what goes on top.
