
Monday, January 18, 2016


Our first Professional Fiber Artist's meeting of 2016 was very inspiring.  Apparently many of our members actually had time to create, despite being busy with the holidays.
Dort has challenged herself to dig into her many boxes of pre-cut strips.  I love the 'complex simplicity'......if you know what I mean!
Dort is a talented illustrator and uses fabric like paint....this piece has such a familiar Western North Carolina feel.
Mary B. hasn't been able to join us on a regular basis, so we were very happy to have her company this month.  Linda knitted her a hat and Mary is sporting a clever scarf made with drapey fabric pieces.
Linda claims she still has 'artist block' she continues to knit until the mood strikes her again.
Georgia Bonesteel is such a dedicated cheerleader for her community of Flat Rock.  They are launching a quilt trail (very large painted wood 'quilt blocks' that are displayed on homes and businesses). She's designing one to be hung on what was the town's original ice house.  Clever isn't it??
We can count on Kate to provide eye candy with her always very well designed and executed pieced quilts.  Her excellent machine quilting skills enhance each one.
How neat is this?  A perfect way to utilize those scraps.  It's set in a very eye- catching manner.  Look at the difference a simple change in the color way yields. (photos above and below)

Georgia fell in love with this paint by number Moda much so she bought an entire bolt! 

And me??  Well....I need to get busy making more felted bowls......happily buyers have given (all but one) new homes.  However, that may have to wait a bit....I got rear ended on the interstate the other day and my hand/fingers are not behaving well enough to do handwork or felting right now. Of course I'm getting antsy and hoping/expecting this to be temporary and thankful because it sure could have been worse!


  1. Hope that your hand/arm troubles are very temporary and that you are able to get back to work soon. Accidents are always such a shock to the system and so disrupting. Good wishes are coming your way...get better soon.

  2. Oh no, hope the fingers and hands bounce right back. I'm sending some healing thoughts. The Packers did give us a good game to watch, just not the right outcome.

  3. Ozzie wishes for a speedy return to wellness are sent across the ocean to you. Pamela

  4. Very nice show and tell as usual! What's with you not getting better from 'hit'!!! Have you seen Dr.? What's up!!! Take care!!!!

  5. Update from Mary - I'm getting lots of concerned emails....thank you all so much.....rural living has positives and negative is the growing lack of health care options. It's a long story....but I was unable to get into any doctor the day after the accident.....then the weekend arrived....but I saw a PA on Mon. Am now on anti-inflammatory meds....that should take down the swelling and eliminate the (still) tingling/numbness in my arm/hand/fingers. Other issues have cropped up as they often do after an accident.....esp. given an aging 70 year old body! However, I'm confident with patiences I'll be sewing soon.

  6. So sorry to her about your accident. Thank goodness it wasn't worse and that hopefully you will be back sewing again soon.

    What a lovely show and tell.

  7. Dang - you didn't need that. You are right about the delayed response after accidents. Just take it slow which I know is not your personality. :-)
