
Monday, January 25, 2016


After being cooped up for several days it's nice to get outdoors....even if that means it's time for the daily 'forced march"!!  I've been avoiding it as I recover from the car accident but it's necessary to keep moving so....onward...
 Our subdivision almost NEVER plows....but they did late yesterday afternoon.  Here's the downside....the melting turned to ice far as the eye can see.
 So we strapped on our Yaktrax and off we went. First thing I noticed was the turkey tracks.....half the size of my shoe!
 Areas not built yet in our subdivision didn't need plowing, so we were able to walk in virgin snow.
 Suddenly we hear a huge racket.....over a dozen turkeys took off right before our eyes......I'm not sure whether these marks are from one taking off or landing....but interesting none the less.
Here they seemed to have been running for their lives.....our black lab may have frighten them....though all she would want to do is play!


  1. Don't think I've ever seen wing-marks in snow before. I'm guessing it's from the frantic take-off!

    And the issue of ice after's my theory for not wanting to shovel walks and stairs unless the snow is truly deep - say over 4 or 5 inches. Leaving the snow always results in a little more traction in my book.

    Lovely walk...

  2. love the sight of fresh unwalked in snow but not the cold that comes with it. Sorry have been a bit lazy on blogs recently and had missed about your accident, do hope you are now feeling much better and free from the aches and pains

  3. Hope you're feeling better. Nice bowl.
