
Thursday, December 31, 2015

GOODBYE 2015 - HELLO 2016

Many bloggers write thoughtful posts reflecting upon their activities, accomplishments, and ups and downs of the departing year. It's fun to read their memories.  However, I'm more of a 'look forward' kinda you won't be seeing any of that here.  

Instead, let me take this time to thank all of you for allowing my world to evade your space!  I'm so grateful for your visits and comments.  The connections with new and old friends have meant a lot. Please always feel free to jump in and chat.

Let's look forward to a new year filled with creativity, good health and happiness.


  1. Wishing you all the best for the new year! Hope it's filled with creativity and inspiration :)

  2. Wishing you a New Year made bright with creative fulfillment Mary!

  3. Yes! A very Happy and Creative New Year to you....wishing you an amazing 2016
