
Friday, December 18, 2015


I'm looking forward to spending a bit of time with my two grandsons.  The three year old is ALL boy......and the 3 month old is of course in the perfect snuggling stage.
 My suitcase will be packed with some felting supplies....the make some snakes.  This should be a project suitable for the hand/eye coordination of a 3 yr. old, and hopefully provide quick enough results before boredom sets in.  

To speed that up, I decided to make some felted 'cores'. So then all we have to do is wrap wool roving around the outside and do the final wet felting stage.  For the final touch on this sample, I needle felted the eyes.....which of course is not a step a child can or should try to do.
As long as the felting supplies were out......I made a couple of bowls.  I haven't played too much with locks, curls, or wool neeps that add another decorative dimension.  It was easier than I expected and I like the look!  

I'm guessing there will be lots of creative projects flowing from studios right about check out these links:  Nina-Marie's Off The Wall Friday,  Richard and Tanya Quilts, Crazy Mom Sews, Whoop, Whoop Friday.


  1. the bowls are terrific. I've only done a little wet felting but it was very satisfying. I am not sure an adult should be needle sculpting with that barbed pointy thingy. Why it looks like a weapon to uncoordinated me! LeeAnna

  2. Oh I love those bowls! Just beautiful. I went to an alpalca show last year and fell in love with all the felted roving things. Wanted to try but never got around to it. I will live vicariously through your work, I guess.

  3. Beautiful bowls......just LOVE the feel of wool! and those snakes...whoa..what fun!!!!

  4. Well, there you are, clever as ever! I have no affinity for any kind of snake but I can see how this would appeal to a little boy, and hopefully he will get extra excited with getting to personalize it and be part of the making process.

    And I don't know what all those felting terms but I love the results!

  5. Glad you're going to see the newest baby soon!!! That's so exciting!! Good idea on the snakes! I saw your bowls on your fiber junkie day and they are wonderful!!!

  6. have fun with the boys, I am sure the 3 year old will enjoy making a snake or two. Bowls look great too
