
Monday, December 21, 2015


There's no better reason to create wet felted bowls than to do some post project embellishing......which is my favorite part of any creative endeavor.  These items will be going into my gallery shop shortly.  First 4 bowls @ $22 each - pixie bowls @ $18 each - plus shipping.  Interested??  Email me using right side bar link. 
 4" wide x 2.5" tall  SOLD
 4.50" wide x 2.5" tall SOLD
 4.75" wide x 2.5" tall SOLD
 5.5" wide x 1.5" tall SOLD
Pixie wet-felted bowls - appx. 3" wide x 2.5" tall
*bowls on left and right are SOLD


  1. Mary, these turned out SO nice!!!! They would make great gifts!!! Hmmmmm You need to put your items in a shop somewhere. We just had a Michigan made store open in our town. It's for local/state artists. Your work would be perfect here. I bet you have something somewhere near where you live! check it out!!!
