
Thursday, October 29, 2015


Here's some of the things my pals were working on...
Kate brought this previously stenciled piece (using thinned acrylic paints).  She thought the contrast of the muslin was too stark and has begun tempering the background using an oil based paint can see one section near the top left that hasn't been done yet.
Val cleverly made stencils using freezer paper.  She's using a gold metallic paint stick....applied to a piece of freezer paper....then transfers the paint onto a toothbrush and finally onto the fabric. 
 Val feels there is much more control using that kind of brush rather than the more traditional stencil brush.  AND....she's right....but we always admire whatever Val does.
Gen also used Judy's 'crackle' stencil.....layering over a previously painted background.
Kate brought a piece from last month's dye painting day featuring circles, but she felt it needed more.  So after folding and with extra hands.....I painted the edges of the folds, following Kate's directions. All of us laughing so hard as she squealed.....more here....less here.....oh....dab some over there......
Here are some faces to go with the names I'm bantering about.....L to R - Gen, Judy, & Kate.
After opening....Kate did a happy dance!
 Our show and tells are always so inspiring.  For ages, Gen has been wanting to experiment with Citra Solv.  Here are a few of the art pages she created using Citra Solv (a degreaser) and National Geographic magazine pages.  There's lots of info online about this almost miraculous method so there's no need for me the explain it.  Here are two examples to get you started:  youtube and here. 

Gen also brought some of the painted fabrics we did last month.....several of us were into making strips and others into circles....or both!!

This final photo is what's left of my lovely dyed felted wool pieces shown yesterday......disappointing!  I'm not sure what happened....I've dyed National Nonwoven felted wool many times before. It's just another one of life's mysteries.  Next month we are going to work on collages......I suspect I can give these failures a 2nd chance somehow.

Oh....and those pine needles.???.....yup....all the dye washed out of them too. 


  1. once again you and the ladies have been oh so creative

  2. I'm surprised about the pine needles. In the one basket weaving class I took, the teacher said we could dye our finished baskets with any kind of dye with Ritz being the easiest. Perhaps there is an outer covering/coating on the pine needle that is acting like a barrier to absorption?
