
Thursday, October 1, 2015


Each Fiber Junkie kinda did their own thing on this last outdoor dye painting day.  So....let's take a look at their work....
Denny, is our cheer leader for layering, layering, layering....she generally creates quickly and does twice what the rest of us do.  This day she started more simply with a newsprint design fabric.....and painted the outline of row houses.
She continued by adding more color.  I can't wait to see what she does with it.
Show and tell was unusually sparse this month.....but that doesn't mean it wasn't amazing.  Here's Denny's newest piece......the figures were created with a lot of thread.  Her work almost always features symbols and meaning.
She introduced us to Gypsy inspired by the above.  I was unaware of this concept and I must say, it was intriguing.  The idea is to use up orphan blocks and scraps.  I didn't get a good photo of Denny's quilt which was a take-off of the pattern.....however she used larger fabric sections and blocks. Colorful and fun would best describe this approach.
Our hostess Val always creates unique pieces.....she's incredibly artistic. She's just begun painting this piece.....which reminded me of the smudges of fall foliage we see here in the forested mountains. 
Val has a very good understanding of color and how they blend and work together.....
Here the piece is drying.....generally she utilizes these pieces as backgrounds for screen printing, made using her extensive hand-made screens.
Kate was playing with a flower design rubber sink protector that you can see it peaking out between the layers of fabric. 
And this is the result.  Great, yes?
Judy used one of her thermofax screens to print using the thickened dyes. The fabric was a reject from (I think) a deconstructed screen print session.
Next, a variety of colors were added with a foam brush. We all agreed, Denny's influence of layering is rubbing off on us.
Another very successful piece made by Judy.
Last but not least.....Gen alternated stripes to fill the entire area of the cloth.....she plans to layer stencil designs on it.  I was so enthralled with painting/blending stripes myself that I was remiss and didn't take as many photos as I should me, it was stunning when she finished!

To say a good day was had by all is an understatement.......I can't encourage you enough to gather a few pals and have your own Fiber Junkie play day!


  1. As usual I'm jealous of your play days, they always look like so much fun.

  2. Such intriguing pieces. The row house is especially interesting- who'd have thought to use that background, and it's perfect!

  3. I'd not heard that term used to describe a quilt combining orphan blocks but it seems apt. Wish I could remember who was putting forth this idea about 15 years ago but it caught my attention. Yes, I had lots of odds & ends blocks & a yearly charity quilt competition (Warmth from Wisconsin) to make a quilt for. Not as easy as I thought! And frankly, I wasn't sure my end result wasn't just a mess. Kind of like scrap quilts, you can't just throw anything together but takes planning & color sense. I love the one shown here - rich in color & texture, balanced in its complexity.

  4. It would be a dream come true to have a group of friends to play with like that Mary! You are each so talented!

  5. The yellow/gold piece by Judy is amazing!!! Although, all the pics look amazing! But where's the food! Maybe in part 1! I'm a few days behind! HA
